The Harry S. McAlpin, Jr. Scholarship is a one-time award of $7,000. This year’s winner is a student from Howard University:
Glynn Hill recalls from the time he was a toddler his grandfather stressing the importance of newspapers. Growing up an avid sports fan increased Glynn’s interest in and awareness of the connection between sports, broadcast journalism and news. He is a junior at Howard majoring in Political Science and is on the Dean’s List as well as a contributing writer to 101 Magazine, The District Chronicles and Glynn was editor-in-chief of The Island, and a reporter for Spotlight Network WHUT-TV 32, PBS Washington, DC. He has experience as a play-by-play announcer/producer for Howard Sports News and as both sports editor and editor-in-chief for The Hilltop Newspaper. This summer he will work as a reporter for The New York Times Student Journalism Institute in New Orleans.