We share the belief, held by our country’s Founders and enshrined in the First Amendment, that an independent news media is vital to the health of the republic.
The White House Correspondents’ Association exists to promote excellence in journalism as well as journalism education, and to ensure robust news coverage of the president and the presidency. We support awards for some of the best political reporting of the past year, and scholarships for young reporters who carry our hopes for vibrant journalism in the years to come. Each day, we work to ensure that the men and women who cover the White House have the ability to seek answers from powerful officials, up to and including the President.
Our association comprises hundreds of members from the worlds of print, television, radio and online journalism. Their work, for outlets based in the United States and overseas, reaches a global audience.
We also work to encourage new generations of White House correspondents through our college scholarship programs. About two dozen winners are selected each year from across the United States to visit Washington in order to be celebrated and encouraged.
The WHCA Board, drawn from across the news media, advocates for all of our members so that they have what they need to be able to convey an accurate impression of what is happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Whether they tell stories through television images, photographs, sound on the radio, or text, the WHCA works with their interests – and those of their viewers, readers and listeners – at heart.
Thank you for your interest and support. The White House Correspondents’ Association welcomes your feedback and looks forward to hearing from you. The WHCA is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations to the WHCA are tax-deductible. Please reach out for more details.